Terms and Conditions

Article 1 – Definitions
In these terms and conditions, the following definitions apply:

JR-Advies: the natural person Jasper Ramackers trading under the name of JR-Advies, registered in the Chamber of Commerce under number 55744974, reachable via info@jr-advies.nl, and liable for VAT under number NL003680200B87.

Client: the person who grants an assignment to JR-Advies or asks for a Service form JR-Advies;

Person: legal entity or natural person

Service: the agreement of services, or assignment provided by JR-Advies upon the instruction or request of the client.


Article 2 – Applicability

  1. These terms and conditions are available in both Dutch and English versions. Both versions have equal legal force.
  2. These terms and conditions apply to every service carried out by JR-Advies for the client.


Article 3 – Invoices

  1. The client owes JR-Advies the agreed-upon fee. If no fee has been agreed upon, the client owes a fee based on the customary rates of JR-Advies.
  2. The costs incurred by JR-Advies, such as courier services, travel and accommodation costs, registration fees, court fees, and other costs, including interest, shall be borne by the client.
  3. If applicable, the fee and costs owed by the client will be increased in accordance with the law with value-added tax (VAT), unless the client is established in another member state of the European Union and has provided a valid VAT number to JR-Advies, or if the client is established outside the European Union.
  4. The client shall pay each invoice within thirty days of the date of issuance.


Article 5 – Liability

  1. The liability of JR-Advies is limited to the amount paid out under the insurance taken out by JR-Advies for the specific claim, increased by the applicable deductible. If no insurance applies to the event causing the damage, liability is limited to an amount of €1.000.
  2. Any claim for compensation expires one year after the day on which the client became aware of the damage.
  3. The client undertakes to indemnify JR-Advies and all affiliated persons from claims from third parties and other damage arising from or related to the service, to the extent that the claim or damage exceeds the amount covered by insurance taken out by JR-Advies, increased by the deductible. This indemnification does not apply in case of intent or gross negligence on the part of JR-Advies. The term “third party” also includes all subsidiary companies of the client, shareholders, directors, supervisory board members, employees, and family members of the client. This provision constitutes an irrevocable third-party clause in favor of all affiliated persons of JR-Advies.
  4. The client indemnifies JR-Advies and affiliated persons from claims from third parties and other damage suffered by JR-Advies or an affiliated person as a result of unlawful processing of personal data in the execution of the service, to the extent that JR-Advies has received these personal data from the client or has processed them on behalf of the client.


Article 6 – Engagement of Third Parties

  1. JR-Advies has the authority to engage external parties that are not affiliated with JR-Advies, such as couriers, bailiffs, translators, experts, and foreign legal advisors, if necessary for the execution of the service. These external parties may carry out the service on behalf of JR-Advies, either under the name of JR-Advies itself or as an agent on behalf of the client.
  2. The client shall comply with the terms set by JR-Advies (whether or not on behalf of the client) with external parties engaged by JR-Advies. JR-Advies cannot be held liable for damage resulting from acts or omissions of these external parties.


Article 7 – Confidentiality and Records

  1. JR-Advies undertakes to keep the service and all related information confidential.
  2. The first paragraph does not apply in situations where disclosure is required by law, a binding judgment of a court or government authority, or where it is necessary for JR-Advies to carry out the service.
  3. JR-Advies shall retain each file and all associated documents and data carriers for the statutory retention period. After this period has expired, JR-Advies may, unless otherwise required by law, destroy the files without notice.


Article 8 – Termination of the Service

  1. The client has the right to terminate the service at any time. However, this can only be done by means of a written notice to JR-Advies.
  2. JR-Advies reserves the right to terminate the service with a notice period of fourteen days. In cases where the client does not pay an invoice within thirty days of the due date, JR-Advies reserves the right to terminate the service with immediate effect. However, this termination shall always be done by means of written notice to the client.
  3. In the event of termination of the service, the client remains liable for the fee for work performed by JR-Advies before the end of the service. In addition, costs may arise for any necessary work that JR-Advies must perform after the termination of the service to transfer the matter to the client or a third party.


Article 9 – Applicable Law and Choice of Forum

  1. Dutch law exclusively applies to every service, service, and every non-contractual obligation arising from or related to that service, between the client and JR-Advies.
  2. All disputes relating to the agreed-upon service between the client and JR-Advies shall be settled by the competent court in the district where JR-Advies is domiciled.